The Florida Postal History Society was established in 1978 by a group of 12 collectors interested in postal history from Florida. The late Larry Resnick was instrumental in getting the group together and collected the first year dues. The Society was never successful and eventually died out from lack of interest. This was due in large part to the lack of formal meetings and no formal publications.
The Society was restarted in 1991 with a meeting of collectors and postal history dealers at FLOREX in Orlando. The Florida Postal History Society was re-established with formal by-laws on November 6, 1992, with Deane R. Briggs, M.D. elected President for a two-year term. Herbert P. McNeal was Vice-President, and the late William J. Bomar, Secretary Treasurer. Within six months, the membership had grown to 44 active members and by the end of the first year the Society had 58 Charter Members; 210 members have joined to date, with 130 currently active. Persons interested in the Florida Postal History Society are encouraged print the on-line application. The Florida Postal History Society is the A.P.S. Affiliate 227.
The Florida Postal History Society publishes the Florida Postal History Journal, with the first issue in July 1993. David Phillips was the journal editor and did an excellent job with the first journal and the March 1994 issue. Deane R. Briggs, M.D. became editor of the journal with the third issue of August 1994, and has continued to date as co-editor. Initially a black and white journal was published twice a year. From 2008 until the fall of 2017, E. Parker published the full color Journal.
In early 2018, Steve Swain assumed the positions of co-editor and publisher. Currently three issues are published annually (January, May & September) and are complimentary for dues paying members. The first three pages of the recent journal issue are displayed in the ARCHIVES and interested parties may request a complimentary copy. Members can access the full Journals in the MEMBER'S Only Section.
Annual meetings are held in conjunction with the Sarasota National Stamp Exhibition scheduled in mid January with a second informal meeting in Orlando at FLOREX each December.
The Florida Postal History Society published a 311 page book, FLORIDA STAMPLESS POSTAL HISTORY 1763-1861 which was published by David G. Phillips Publishing Co., Inc. in 1999. Deane R. Briggs, M.D., with assistance from Associate Editors Herbert P. McNeal, Niles Schuh, Donald G. Thompson and members William H. Johnson, D.D.S., David Lingard, and Ted Light edited this book. This publication is the standard reference text on stampless Florida postal history. All post offices are referenced with postal receipts and postmaster compensation noted. All known postal markings are recorded and a census of uncommon markings are listed. Additional essays on the “Patriot’s Rebellion”, Pre-territorial postal history, Express Mail of 1836-1839, the Seminole Indian wars, Florida Military posts, and a listing of territorial and statehood postal routes with contractor compensation. This publication from 1999 has been long-out-of-print -- how ever can be found occasionally from book sellers.
The 2018 publication of the updated Florida Postal History 1763-1861 is sold out. The second edition was released in November of 2022 and represents a substantial update of much of the material -- and almost a full year of work. The ordering information can be found on the home page of this site.
The society also has added current information on multiple Florida postal history topics in the RESEARCH section of this website.